publications 2009

Minihouse for the City Centre

"Bauen mit Holz (Timber Constructions)"

Drexler. Hans

release date: Dec 01 2009

editor: Frizten, Klaus

publisher: Bruder Verlag

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 5 pages

pub2009.012_Minihaus_Bauen_mit_Holz_Dez_2009.PDF (2,5 MB, German)

On the smallest Spot

"LOUIS - Light Life Architecture"

Lydia Meyer

release date: Dec 01 2009

editor: Gesellschaft für Knowhow-Transfer in Architektur und Bauwesen mbH

publisher: Roma

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 5 pages

The young architects office Drexler Guinand Jauslin designed a small town house on a site of only 29sqm.

publ2009.012_dgj071_Minihaus_in_Architekturmagazin_Louis.pdf (590KB, German)

Efficiency on the smallest foot print

"House and Energy (German)"

Merle Theess

release date: Dec 01 2009

editor: Andreas Lohse, ab (v.i.S.d.Fi)

publisher: PHOTON Europe GmbH

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

7 pages

There are a lot of Passivhouses, but most of them outside the city-center. The Frankfurt Minihouse shows that this can also be achieved on the smallest inner city sites.

dgj071_Minihaus_Haus und Energie Dez 2009.pdf (2,7MB, German)

Brandmark Greenbuilding

"Frankfurter Rundschau"

Dr. Matthias Arning

release date: Nov 11 2009

editor: Konstantin Neven DuMont

publisher: Druck- und Verlagshaus Frankfurt am Main GmbH

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

Brandmark Greenbuilding - City awards eight Buildings.

pub2009.11_dgj071_Minihaus_FAZ_Greenbuilding.pdf (800KB, German)

Meister der Baulücke, Minimum Impact House

"Name der Publikation"

Jacob-Freitag, Dipl. Ing. Susanne

first published in: Mikado - Unternehmensmagazin für Holzbau und Ausbau

release date: 11/2009

editor: Name Herausgeber

publisher: WEKA MEDIA GmbH & Co. KG

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, english, 3 pages

Text zur Publikation

pub2009.009_dgj071_Minihaus_Mikado (1 MB, German)

Towels and Match-Boxes (German)

"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ "

Schulze, Rainer (Redaktion FAZ)

release date: Okt 13 2009

editor: Schirrmacher, Frank

publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag - FAZ.NET

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

Left over sites and minihouses in Frankfurt.

pub2009.10.13._dgj071_FAZ-Minihaeuser_in_Frankfurt.pdf (1,8 MB, German)

Left Over Spaces and Brick Walls

"Energy Efitient Architecture"

Thomas Sternagel, Till Schaller, Martin Sommer, Arne Winkelmann

release date: Sep 10 2009

editor: Akademie der Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen, Martin Sommer

publisher: jovis Verlag GmbH

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 4 pages

publ2009.09_dgj071_Minihaus_in_Buch_EinSparHaus_AKH.pdf (1,0 MB, German)

Sustainable Living on a 29sqm Site Area

"Informationsdienst Wissenschaft"

Jörg Feuck, Chefredakteur

release date: July 09 2009

editor: TU Darmstadt


text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

Minimum Impact House is award by building ministery.

pub2009.08 dgj071 Informationsdienst Wissenschaft Nachhaltiges Wohnen Effizienzhaus_2009_ausgezeichnet.pdf (200KB, German)

Sustainable Living on a 29sqm Site Area



release date: July 08 2009


text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

Sustainable Living on a 29sqm Site Area (179KB, German)

research and Living in the Minihouse

"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ "

Eva-Maria Magel

release date: June 21 2009

editor: Werner D'Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner

publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag - FAZ.NET

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

An architects and the Technical Univeristy Darmstadt research about urban densification.

pub2009.07_dgj071_Minihaus_FAZ_21.07.2009.pdf (580KB, German)

Dutch Architecture with Landscape Methods

Daniel Jauslin

release date: May 01 2009

editor: TU Delft Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Landscape Architecture Pro. C.M. Steenbergen

publisher: TU Delft

text by DGJ

english, 140 pages

14 Project Documentations and Analysis of Dutch Architecture with Landscape Methods. MVRDV Villa VPRO, Powerhouse Company Villa 1, Herman Herzberger Coda Museum, NL Architects Basket Ba, SeARCH Posbank Pavillion, Wiel Arets Hedge House, OMA Kunsthal and Educatorium, Maaskant Johnson Wax, Diller & Scofidio Blur Building, De Architecten Cie Frits van Dongen Cap Gemini Campus, Mecanoo TU Dlelft Library and Venhoeven CS Sportplaza Mercator. Compared to Historic Gardens: Hawkstone Park, Villa La Rotonda, Stourhead, Boboli Garden, Castle Howard, Lingering Garden, Villa Cetinale, Stowe House, Campus, Mekelpark, Vondelpark

Towards A Sustainable Architecture

"Greenplattform - Art Ecology Sustainability"

Hans Drexler, Daniel Jauslin, Marc Guinand

release date: Apr 01 2009

editor: Franziska Nori

publisher: Strozzina, Florenz

text by DGJ

english, 9 pages

Dealing with the issue of sustainability always implies the hope of improving the present conditions and of actively contributing to sustainable developement. An awareness of the complex relations involved the search for new possible solutions, and education, and training concerning the mutual interdependence of the various systems.

pub2009.003_Strozzina__towards a sustainable design.pdf (2,1 MB)

Minimum Impact House - Presentation at the 4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU)

"4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU)"

Hans Drexler, Daniel Jauslin, Marc Guinand

release date: Mar 08 2009

editor: TU Delft

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

english, 6 pages

res071_minimum impact house The 4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU).pdf (700KB)

Propositions for a study of Architecture with Landscape Methods: Could innovative design methods lead to Sustainable Spatial Development?

Jauslin, D.

release date: Feb 12 2009

publisher: Universität Kassel

text by DGJ

english, 18 pages

Contemporary architecture has been strongly influenced by the concept of landscape in recent times. The landscape analogy that accompanied architecture for a long time in tectonics or ornament is now transforming the concepts of form and space. The landscape analogy has moved from marginal subjects to the core of the discipline. We are looking for principals of architectural theory, which can not be derived anymore from an big predominant ideology. What framework for architecture do we still need in the more or less lucky freedom of our time? We might want to use the proposed exercise of knowledge transfer to rediscover some basic principles. A study of landscape as a means of architecture could lead to such a basic theory, not derived from any ideology nor adopting philosophical terms to a practical field. We prefer looking in our own backyard, enjoying the freedom of thoughts about our own subject matter. Paper from DRITTES INTERNATIONALES DOKTORANDINNENKOLLEG NACHHALTIGE RAUMENTWICKLUNG (DOKONARA 2009) 3. Kolleg „Globale Krise – regionale Nachhaltigkeit“ 27. bis 30. September 2009, Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar Universität Kassel Architektur, Stadtplanung, Landschaftsplanung Ulf Hahne Universität Innsbruck Institut für Geographie Martin Coy Hochschule Liechtenstein Architektur und Raumplanung Peter Droege

Download PDF

Audacious Camouflage


Demmrich, Dr. Stephan

release date: Feb 01 2009

editor: Amel Cramer

publisher: Wohn!Design Verlag AG

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 6 pages

pub2009.003_Minihaus_WohnDesign_2009.03.01_S.pdf (1.31 MB, German)

background image